How To Register With Us

The website of Tender Service aims to facilitate the tender information issued by government departments and authorities, public sector under taking, municipal corporations, leading Public or Private sector companies etc. Tender Service allows individuals/ corporate /firms/public or private sector organizations/ central or state government bodies etc. with the help of user name and password authentication to view the tender information/notices allover Pakistan.
1.Tender information by e-mail. 2.Tender information by web access. 3.Tender information by courier/fax. 4.Tender alerts on your mobile.
Every day hundreds of new tenders are added on our website This information will be e-mailed to our subscribers daily according to the product of your interest or the category you have taken or the preferences like location, order value etc. We are more concentrating on the programming side of our website for providing the flexibility of narrowing your search so that you will get the tenders matching your preferences. Every day new tender information or notices will be delivered to your inbox by e-mail. For this you can to Register Now on home page and follow the instructions given in the registration form. You can choose the package of your choice and convenience.
With the help of user name and password provided by Tender Service, a registered user of e-mail and/or a registered user of mobile alert can enter into the tender information database of their particular category and search the tender information of their choice from thousands of live tenders hosted by us without any additional charges. We are providing a user friendly search option so that user can search the tenders by department, category, date wise like tender submission, tender opening etc.,
We are sending the tender information or notices by courier/ fax according to the subscription plan. So we are keenly concentrating to deliver the tender information by utilizing these services. The subscription plan is given in the registration form.
We are intimating the tender deliveries in the form of Short Messaging Services(SMS) to your mobile. So the user can get information about the tender delivered into their inbox. A link to the tender is also sent ,with which you can see the tender on your mobile. The registration method is same as it is for tenders through e-mail.